Sunday, November 24, 2013

Isaac Bowers

My cousin, a genealogy buff on our Bowers side, posted a pic of an Isaac Bowers who lived in Orderville- another United Order community. (Our King side lived in Kingston which was a successful United Order community. Ended only because the rest of the church could not live the law of Consecration.)
I could never located an Isaac in our direct line, but came across a brief bio that named his parents as Maria Lay and James Bowers both born in 1811. Aha. p.764
He is the nephew of our direct line John Bowers born in 1816.
I have no idea if John also lived in Orderville.
I will have to look into his biography.
I did come across some old tapes made by the church in the 70's on church history that gave a very arresting picture of Orderville. (Along with some other issues that I would never see them cover in such a way today-such as ERA, etc.)
Those tapes made me wonder about our Bowers connection to that community.

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